While December makes us all want to see the world through
Christmas colored glasses, the downside is that we get our knickers in a bunch
when something happens to make our family-friend diorama look less than Currier
and Ives perfect. Given, perfidy hurts, especially when it's an inside job. But here's the neat thing. EVERYTHING
in life is about perspective. Time, distance, the angle and sometimes just a
keen eye for finding beauty everywhere can switch on Hurt's very own healing
properties. Yes, this month I got
b...lindsided and my Christmas colored glasses flew off. But; I have experienced the magical kindness of stranger-friends, been carried in difficult moments,
cheered on in achievement and mercilessly spoiled for my birthday (sogar ein
Herz-zopf habe ich bekommen!!). I
even got a special-delivery belated Thanksgiving dinner delivered to my empty
fridge when I returned home (her mom even made pie!). Most of all, I have been able to sow seeds of love and
friendship as well as reaping the benefits thereof. In all this and more I have
been repeatedly reminded that I am loved and a part of a wonderful circle of
friends and family--the lasting kind.
Life is a road full of diverging paths. Sometimes family
doesn't feel like the Cleavers and some friendships aren't meant to last
forever. But those relationships that persevere make up the tapestry of our lives,
there to drape us in warmth and comfort. During this Advent and Christmas
season, I am thankful for many things but bountiful moments spent with family
and friends are the wonderful gifts I treasure the most.
Labels: Christmas, Cleavers, Courrier and Ives, December, family, gifts, treasure